============= .. contents:: Installation ------------ You don't need to install this as a Python package; you can simply `download the script `_ and run it. This avoids a chicken-and-egg problem of installing stuff into your environment so you can start setting up environments. You can also install it with ``easy_install``, install it without setuptools (it does not depend on setuptools for installation), or install from the `subversion repository `_ with ``easy_install``. Summary ------- This tool creates an environment that is isolated from the rest of the Python installation, eliminating site-packages and any other source of modules, so that only the modules (and versions) you install into the environment will be available. This allows for isolated and controlled environments, as well as reproduceability. This is similar to `virtual-python `_, but without the symlinks and with some additional features. The basic usage is:: $ python MyNewEnvironment $ source MyNewEnvironment/bin/activate After sourcing ``bin/activate`` any commands (like ``python install``, etc) will install into the new environment. A Windows ``activate.bat`` file is also generated for that environment. Scripts like ``bin/easy_install`` will be tied to the environment, and so they will automatically install into the environment even without activation. Changes ------- **0.6.5**: Export ``$_WE_OLD_WORKING_PATH``, etc. Also deactivate environments when activating a new environment. Include the Darwin Ports ``site-packages`` directory on that platform. ``-env`` was being totally ignored; working now. **0.6.4**: Use ``--always-unzip`` with ````, so we don't sometimes (on Python 2.5?) get setuptools installed as an egg. Don't put quotes around environmental variables in ``activate.bat``. Print out installation with nesting to show what dependencies are drawn in by what libraries. **0.6.3**: Don't raise an exception when ``cli|gui.exe`` is missing. Set ``always_copy = True`` in ``distutils.cfg``, which avoids some problems with system-wide packages. Show some indication of progress during the Setuptools installation. **0.6.2**: User the system distutils.cfg as well as the workingenv-specific distutils.cfg; helpful for picking up system-wide compiler settings. Fix problem with creating command-line scripts on Windows (missing ``cli.exe`` or ``gui.exe``). **0.6.1**: Minor bugfix, plus Windows activate.bat file now changes the prompt (from Patrick O'Brien). Also, install script as just ``workingenv`` so it doesn't conflict with the module. **0.6**: Pulls in dependencies from --requirements files, irregardless of whether a currently activated environment might provide those dependencies. Includes a ```` file. Doesn't print out boring messages from ```` and ``easy_install``. **0.5**: Fix the self-activation of scripts. **0.4**: Fix the interaction of the ``--site-packages`` option (that brings in the global ``site-packages/`` directory) and a global installation of setuptools. If you get an error like " is not a setuptools-generated; please remove it" you should upgrade and regenerate your workingenv. **0.3**: Support for Setuptools 0.6c5 Activation ---------- When you "activate" the environment, ``python`` will treat that environment as though it was the only Python environment available. It does this by setting ``$PYTHONPATH`` and overriding the standard ````. Installations with " install" and easy_install will go into the right place. Scripts built with easy_install (*not other ways*) will be tied to the environment, even if the environment isn't activated when the script is run. Activation itself means putting ``lib/python2.4/`` onto ``$PYTHONPATH``. If you don't want to use ``bin/activate``, just do: $ export PYTHONPATH="WORKINGENV/lib/python2.4" $ ``bin/activate`` also updates your prompt and sets ``$PATH`` to point to the workingenv ``bin/``. There is no other magic to it, so you can reproduce the same functionality that way if you want. (Note also that ``bin/activate`` changes your environment, which is why it must be ``source``\ d into a shell environment.) See `this post `_ for an initial discussion. Discussion should go to ` `_. Requirements ------------ Also included is the notion of a requirement set, so you can bootstrap a complete set of packages. This is a text file with ``easy_install``\ able requirements, one on each line. The file can also include ``-r other_file`` and ``-f place_to_find_packages``. Using this you can provide a very specific working set of packages for users/developers. You may also use ``-e`` before a requirement to install that requirement into ``src/`` in development mode. Two examples of this sense of requirements are provided, "tg-example.txt" and "tg-0.9.txt". Note that by putting this into a separate file, adjusting the requirements in response to testing does not require changing the requirements of any particular package. This way you can give very exacting requirements, and later adjust those requirements in response to upgrades, without causing instabilities in any one package. Regenerating Environments ------------------------- Environments carry around the settings they were created with (in ``.workingenv/``). This allows you to run `` ENVIRONMENT`` over again to make updates, and settings will still be preserved. Before overwriting any files you will be asked about the changes. Also you can use ``--simulate`` to see what it *would* do. Windows ------- workingenv should work on Windows, but you must use ``activate.bat`` before starting scripts -- they can't self-activate on Windows. Zope ---- *will* work with Zope 2, but you should use the --home option (which will put everything in lib/python/ instead of lib/python2.4/). The way Zope and many Zope Products are set up, they expect this kind of layout. Using workingenv Programmatically --------------------------------- You can use ``workingenv.main()`` just like the script; this is probably the best/safest way to use it programmatically. Of course calling it in a subprocess will also work.